Rank | Server |
1 |
Wings致力于拓宽大巨变前怀旧内容的边界。在玩家熟悉的 < 小数值 > , < 简单装备系统 > 的玩法基础上,新增了 < 家族系统 > < 世界等级 > < 便利性插件 > 等内容,让玩家能平顺的...
2 |
MapleStory Castela
MapleStory Castela
Welcome to Castela v83!
Official rates: Exp x3 | Drop x2 | Meso x2 Beta rates: Exp x8 | Drop x2 | ... |
3 |
Server Rates: 2x EXP l 1x MESO l 3x QUEST EXP l NO 2x EXP/DROP Cards | NO PAY2WIN l NO CUBES
Mapl... |
4 |
Experience 2009-era MapleStory in its prime at ClassicMS. We offer a vanilla form 1x rates of MapleS...
5 |
GoodStory v.83 NEW
GoodStory v.83 NEW
v83 GMS like MapleStory Server
24/7 Online & Free NX! 10xEXP/3xDrop/3xMeso/10xBoss |
6 |
Eluna - v247.3
Eluna - v247.3
Eluna is an up-to-date, semi-custom server that offers a fun, friendly and stable experience across ...
7 |
MapleHorizons v83 Open Beta || 5x/2x/2x
MapleHorizons v83 Open Beta ||...
Welcome to MapleHorizons' exciting Open Beta phase!
Enjoy classic v83 gameplay with frequent update... |
8 |
Want to relive the old days, but don’t have time to HP wash? TRY MapleSaga (8x EXP), the old school ...
9 |
Lumiere [v249]
Lumiere [v249]
Immerse yourself in a dynamic gaming experience with our server, featuring a semi-customized environ...
10 |
Phoenix - Temple of Time Released
Phoenix - Temple of Time Relea...
Experience the evolution of MapleStory like you have previously forgotten, on Phoenix. A 1x, 1x, 1x,...
11 |
RATES: 1x / 1x / 1x *The EXP table is modified here to require less EXP to level up. Wish no further...
12 |
MapleMS - Old School with Modern Features - Progressive EXP, Linked Stats, No HP Washing
MapleMS - Old School with Mode...
The Return of MapleMS!
For a more detailed list of features, click here: https://maplems.net/forum/... |
13 |
Awaken v206
Awaken v206
Welcome on the page of Awaken v206
14 |
TdotMS V83 - Big Damage - 2 x Spawn - QOL - Stat Ring!
TdotMS V83 - Big Damage - 2 x ...
TdotMS is a community server for Maplestory, it's based off of 83, but has content up to future henn...
15 |
General Information:
- We use MapleStory v83 with some new maps and npc so we recommend you to use ... |
16 |
MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - Washing ACTUALLY optional - ZERO Pay2Win
MapleLegends - The Old School ...
Server Rates: 2x EXP l 1x MESO l 3x QUEST EXP l NO 2x EXP/DROP Cards | NO PAY2WIN l NO CUBES
Mapl... |
17 |
Eluna - v252
Eluna - v252
Eluna is an up-to-date, semi-custom server that offers a fun, friendly and stable experience across ...
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Dream MS v92 - 4x Exp
Dream MS v92 - 4x Exp
In Dream MS, HP washing is a thing of the past.
Whether you are a seasoned Mapler or a new player... |
19 |
Aries [GMS v256]
Aries [GMS v256]
Fed up with the stagnant nostalgia of old-school servers and the unreasonable slowness of the offici...
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21 |
MapleOrigin [Version v228] – Server Located: Singapore (SEA) [Kishin for 2x Spawn Rate] [Up-To-Date]
MapleOrigin [Version v228] – S...
MapleOrigin [Version v228] – Server Located: Singapore (SEA) [Kishin for 2x Spawn Rate] [Up-To-Date]...
22 |
Phoenix [v92]
Phoenix [v92]
Experience the evolution of MapleStory like you have previously forgotten, on Phoenix. A 1x, 1x, 1x,...
23 |
RATES: 1x / 1x / 1x *The EXP table is modified here to require less EXP to level up. Wish no further...
24 |
◆ LiveMS致力于高度还原的经典冒险游戏内容和社区氛围,玩家可以在这里重温经典的游戏体验,这里将会是你的-Land,也更会是大家心目中的-MapleWorld。◆ 我们更注重玩家及资源交互,拒绝无...
25 |
Lumiere v252 | Newcomer Progression Package & Ongoing Hyper Burning Event to Level 285!
Lumiere v252 | Newcomer Progre...
MapleLumiere [v251]
Looking for a new server to be a part of? Skip the mundane initial levelin... |
26 |
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梦回冒险岛 [CMS v095]
梦回冒险岛 [CMS v095]
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ❤ 挂机吸怪搬砖 不限制RMB交易 QQ群号 500005897 ❤ ✨ ✨✨✨ 不售礼包 无充值无抽奖无魔方 只卖剪刀和周...
28 |
MapleMS - Old School with Modern Features - Progressive EXP, Linked Stats, No HP Washing
MapleMS - Old School with Mode...
The Return of MapleMS!
For a more detailed list of features, click here: https://maplems.net/forum/... |
29 |
KerningMS v111 Open Alpha - 5x/2x/4x
KerningMS v111 Open Alpha - 5x...
Kerning is a MapleStory private server currently in Open Alpha. We strive to be a low-rate server th...
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一個經典的懷舊楓之谷私服 自2019年營運至今,已邁入六週年,是一個人人平等、隨心交友的美好天地 無須花費任何成本即可隨時隨地享受那深埋心裏的最初感動 讓你從疲勞的現實壓力中暫時脫離,並重新拾回動力的...
31 |
Reminisce v112 - Old School MapleStory Experience
Reminisce v112 - Old School Ma...
Old school gameplay with a twist, offering fun and challenging yet competitive gameplay. Explorers/K...
32 |
NSMS 新星海世界
NSMS 新星海世界
Welcome on the page of NSMS 新星海世界
33 |
MapleKey - v83 - A MapleStory Private Server
MapleKey - v83 - A MapleStory ...
»v0.83« »High Rate« »1000 EXP | 750 Mesos | 3 Drop« »Skill Maxer« »Item of Choice« »Vote for Rewards...
34 |
MapleV5致力于大巨变前怀旧版本的玩法内容,一切以《小数值》为标准,以《世界等级》实际情况而变动,五大职业均衡技改,服务器稳定,适于休闲养成。(MapleV5 is dedicated to th...
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MapleMyth v62 - Enjoy Classic MapleStory
MapleMyth v62 - Enjoy Classic ...
We're happy to announce our MapleStory private game server is up and currently at Open Beta stage. M...
36 |
MyMapleGMS083怀旧复古 龙年大服 无抽奖无月卡无累充 纯净复古玩法
MyMapleGMS083怀旧复古 龙年大服 无抽奖无月卡无...
本服采用无氪金无月卡的运营模式,使用GMS国际端083版本,实行怀旧079玩法,怀旧玩家喜爱的大巨变的前一个版本。 KOOK频道号:43158998 企鹅交流群:754695909 服务器设置为 经验...
37 |
LunarMS CMSv186 (GMSv230 ) English Translated. Feb 1st Beta Launch
LunarMS CMSv186 (GMSv230 ) Eng...
Custom Skills with Procs! Custom Progression. Fast Early Game Ellinia-like, Easy Links & Legions, Cu...
38 |
MapleStory Nova Era Sua Jornada Começa Aqui
MapleStory Nova Era Sua Jornad...
Nova Era Brasil MapleStory Vs.83 ( Estamos no final da fase de testes venha fazer parte desse grupo ...
39 |
Fables - Open Beta
Fables - Open Beta
Fables, a private server built for players who miss the thrill of the old days. If you’re craving th...
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Sjokkat Ascension - Now Seasonal
Sjokkat Ascension - Now Season...
Sjokkat is back! Now seasonal and with each season there will be a full character wipe. Rankings wil...